Give the Gift of Connection

What your gift covers:

$25.00 covers materials for an eight week class for a parent or child

$50.00 covers one class for a parent or child

$75.00 covers a day of camp for a child

$100.00 covers a community member training class for a teacher or others working with children from hard places

$250.00 covers an entire eight week class for a parent or child

$375.00 covers a week of camp for a child

$500.00 covers a week of family camp for an entire family

We are blessed to have a partnership with Fellowship Greenville Church, serving as our fiscal sponsors.  The entirety of your contributions and donations made on our website are tax deductible and go toward our organization and are utilized for our courses, groups, and camps that serve Upstate families.

Individual Donors

We greatly appreciate individual or family donations to our organization.  We like to show our thanks by sending a small token of our appreciation to our donors, and also offering the option to donate in memory or in honor of a loved one.   We are happy to place a donor message in honor of a loved one on our website and in our promotional materials for events.

Corporate Sponsorships

We like to show our appreciation for corporate sponsors on promotional materials for our events and our website.  As members of Tribe 513 (Parkside Pediatrics, Brio Internal Medicine, Parkside Ob/Gyn, Parkside Family Medicines) are part of our founding board, we also like to say thanks to our sponsors by thanking them on Tribe 513 related social media pages.   Additionally, we offer a set number of gift passes and priority registration to our classes for corporate sponsors to provide to their employees.  

Prayer Partners

For all those who feel led to pray for our organization and for the families we serve, we want to extend our gratitude.  Prayer is at the foundation of all we do, as we do it unto the Lord.  Please sign up for our newsletter which provides updates about our course offerings and events.